
[ACC2011]ACC联合主席Michael H. Crawford教授谈ACC2011大会特色

作者:  MichaelH.Crawford   日期:2011/3/29 16:07:18


⑴As 2011 Annual Scientific Session Program Chair , please introduce the highlights and spotlights of ACC. What are the different aspects comparing with previous ACC?

    <International Circulation>: You mentioned some of the topics are controversial and you don’t shy away from controversy. What are some of those topics that were raised at this meeting?

    Prof Crawford: One example of the controversial things presented here from a cardiologist’s point of view was whether you should use the radial artery in the wrist for doing a cardiac catheterization or whether you should use the groin artery. The Europeans do a lot more wrist cases; in the United States we do a lot more groin cases. So we have had some round table and some panel discussions to attempt to get a meeting of the minds if we can. There is a trial being presented in the science part of the meeting on the topic also.


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