
[AHA2011]他汀长期治疗安全性和耐受性良好——Elliott Antman教授专访

作者:  ElliottAntman   日期:2011/11/30 11:15:20



  International Circulation: In the SATURN trial, high doses of two potent statins were shown to promote atherosclerotic regression, were well tolerated and with few clinical adverse events. How do you think these results will affect daily practice? Clinicians, in the past, have been reluctant to use high doses of statins largely due to safety concerns.
  《国际循环》: 在SATURN试验中,两个高剂量的强效的他汀类药物被证明可以促进动脉粥样硬化的逆转,并且耐受性良好,临床不良事件极少。您认为这些结果对临床实践有何影响?过去临床医生因担忧安全性一直不愿使用高剂量的他汀类药物。
  Prof Antman: The SATURN trial told us that these high doses of statins were well-tolerated and that’s good news for clinicians who need to care for patients with elevated cholesterol levels and particularly LDLc. So we have yet another set of data saying that it is important to stay on these drugs and it is safe to do so. Many patients are reluctant to take medications such as statins about which they may have heard some bad things from other sources many of which are inaccurate. Both of these powerful statins, atorvastatin and rosuvastatin, were well-tolerated and I hope that armed with this information we will see clinicians feeling more comfortable prescribing the high doses of statins that we know translate into improved outcomes in our patients.
  Antman教授: SATURN研究告诉我们这些高剂量的他汀类药物耐受性很好,这对于需要管理胆固醇尤其是LDL-c水平升高患者的临床医生来说是好消息。我们还有另一组数据说明应坚持长期使用他汀类药物,而且这样做是安全的。许多患者因为通过其他来源听说了他汀类药物的不良事件而不愿意服用他汀类等药物,但这些信息都是不准确的。这些强效的瑞舒伐他汀、阿托伐他汀等他汀类药物耐受性良好,我希望通过这些信息能够使临床医生处方这些高剂量的他汀类药物时消除顾虑,而这些药物据我们所知可以在患者身上看到结果的明显改善。

版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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