
[ASH2012]动态血压监测对高血压的治疗至关重要——爱尔兰都柏林St Michael医院Eoin O’Brien教授专访

作者:  E.O’Brien   日期:2012/5/22 14:41:52



   <International Circulation>: What is your opinion about the research that suggests that overdipping blood pressure can be associated with atherosclerosis in the future?
  Prof. O’Brien: I think the way we have to approach this is that firstly we need to be able to define nocturnal blood pressure because without defining it and without knowing whether our patients are dippers or nondippers, then we are unable to answer any such questions. There is no doubt the evidence shows that a nondipping pattern of blood pressure is associated with the worst cardiovascular outcomes. But the question you specifically asked was whether excessive dipping is associated with an adverse outcome. I do believe there is evidence that this is happening. What it means is that we have to be careful when we are treating patients, particularly elderly patients, and we are administering drugs to them which may cause excessive dipping of blood pressure at night. We think we are doing good things with the drugs but in fact we are not doing good at all. We might be compromising a circulatory system that is already at risk whether it is cerebral or cardiac. This is one of the big roles for ambulatory blood pressure measurement in that we can look at what the nocturnal pattern of blood pressure actually is in these patients.


  <International Circulation>: Is cardiovascular risk increased in patients with white coat hypertension but who have normal ambulatory blood pressure? Or do they need any intervention at all?
  Prof. O’Brien:  I don’t think there is any doubt that patients with white coat hypertension are at much less risk than patients with sustained hypertension. As to whether or not patients with white coat hypertension can be classified as being without risk and therefore normal, the answer is no. If white coat hypertension was a normal state, we would all have white coat hypertension and we don’t. Therefore the practical way to approach this problem is to say that if we identify a patient with white coat hypertension, we put them in a low risk category but they should be followed annually and maybe every two years at least to be able to identify the moment when they develop sustained hypertension and most of them will do that.


  <International Circulation>: It is then predictable that someone with white coat hypertension will eventually have hypertension that is not associated with the white coat?
  Prof. O’Brien: That is correct. From a governmental or health management point of view, we can defer the moment to initiate treatment which can save a huge amount of money. But we must never discard them and say they are normal because they have white coat hypertension. They do need to be followed.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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